Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Changes for the Church

Behold, God is doing a new thing within His Body. I had a vision of a sheep opened up and all the internal organs could be seen. Then I saw a huge hand rearranging the organs. It was God's hand. He is in the midst of her and bringing her strength and newness. Be prepared to receive what He is doing. The Church is up for change. Change can certainly be challenging, but God is the potter, and we are the clay. He has given His Church power and authority to bind and loose. Jesus defeated the enemy at the cross so the Church does not need to focus on the enemy. God has important work to do. It is all about making His Church into the full image of Jesus. Knowing our position in the Body is critical for the completion of the Father’s work before night comes when no one can work.
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  1. I totally agree. The focus of the church should not be on the enemy but on Jesus

  2. Thank you for your comment. The Word of God clearly states that we are to look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. When the church turns her eyes upon the Lord, she will see herself as the bride adorned with her beautiful garments. She will actually begin to walk and talk like the glorious church Jesus has redemned. Then the sons will come forth and move in power. The world will see and come to know the Lord Jesus Christ.
