Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New Dawn in Christ

A New Dawn in Christ

I will send a noise into the earth. The earth will begin to shake and begin to move apart. Underneath the sea there will be a blast, and the earth will know that I am still the Lord. I change not and I will move things about as I will. Nations shall rise against nations. For the earth shall see me as I really am, God Almighty and full of glory. Order shall come once again upon the earth.

Children shall look upon my face and begin to speak as I give them utterance. I will send signs in the heavens and wonders on the earth. The things man has destroyed I will restore. I am the restorer of those things that are broken. The earth groans for my sons to show themselves. I am placing my people in key positions on the earth that they may rule and take dominion once again. Let joy rise in your hearts for I have spoken. In the midst of chaos, I, the Lord, will bring peace. In all things give me thanks. I will pour out my mercy on the earth. The end of this age is coming. A new dawn is here. Fear not for I am with you.

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